1 Edit
Marks: 1
A full moon is visible (select best answer - not any answer that works)
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Question2 Edit
Marks: 1
A lunar eclipse can occur
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Question3 Edit
Marks: 1
A solar eclipse that occurs when only part of the sun is obscured by the moon is called
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Question4 Edit
Marks: 1
A third quarter moon will be directly overhead
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Question5 Edit
Marks: 1
During our Summer Solstice (in Northern Hemisphere), the sun is directly overhead
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Question6 Edit
Marks: 1
Eclipse seasons repeat approximately every
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Question7 Edit
Marks: 1
One complete cycle of axial precession occurs every
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Question8 Edit
Marks: 1
Polaris has always been the star nearest the north celestial pole, true or false?
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Question9 Edit
Marks: 1
The earth doesnt experience a solar eclipse every month because
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Question10 Edit
Marks: 1
The earth is closest to the Sun during our (the northern hemispheres) summer, true or false?
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Question11 Edit
Marks: 1
The earth revolves around an external axis (the sun) once every
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Question12 Edit
Marks: 1
The earth rotates about its internal axis once every
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Question13 Edit
Marks: 1
The ecliptic is
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Question14 Edit
Marks: 1
The moon and visible planets are always within a few degrees of the ecliptic, true or false?
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Question15 Edit
Marks: 1
The moon is directly opposite the sun during a
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