Spring 2019, MW 9:35 - 10:55 am, Tu 6:00 - 9:05 pm, PS-101
(Official class syllabus posted on-line -- always check for updates)

Phone: 965-0581 x4723
Office: EBS-112
Office Hours: posted

ERTH 101 - INTRODUCTORY ASTRONOMY (3.0 UNITS): Non-mathematical presentation of our knowledge of the universe. Includes birth and death of stars, formation of solar system, black holes, quasars and the fourth dimension.


TEXT: ASTRONOMY At Play In The Cosmos, by Adam Frank (available in bookstore). If you buy the book used, you will be required to purchase on-line access for around $30 (but this spring it's FREE - so no worries). You will also need to purchase a supplemental "ERTH-101 Lecture Kit" card (from cashier on top floor, about $5).  Do not get the Astro Lab kit card unless you are also enrolled in the ERTH 102 Astronomy Lab course.

GRADING: Grading is based on consistent performance. No single test will determine your grade. Please note that all assignments are required components of your grade. IMPORTANT:  You must complete all assignments to pass this course regardless of your cumulative percentage.  Following is a tentative grading criteria (adjustments may be made as assignments are added or deleted).

-- Tests (approx 6-7 for the semester)
-- Clicker Quizzes (given at start, during, and end of class each day we meet)
  -- Homework (assigned and due on a given date)
-- Web-Based Activities, Group Learning Activities, Projects (some, not many)
-- Assigned Videos (to be announced in class)
-- FINAL (Cumulative, may be given as two parts)

GRADING SCALE: The grading scale (subject to revision) will follow the traditional percentage breakdown of 90's (A), 80's (B), 70's (C), 60's (D), and below (F).  Scores may be curved slightly to help you, so always strive to do your best.  Plus minus grading has been implemented at SBCC, so borderline grades may receive a +/- designation.

ERTH101 SLO 1 - Describe the size and scale of the components of the universe and discriminate between various models of celestial motions. Predict the consequences of these motions.  ERTH101 SLO 2 - Compare and contrast various components of the solar system, how they form, and how they relate to Earth.  ERTH101 SLO 3 - Use the components of the electromagnetic spectrum to investigate stars and stellar evolution. Demonstrate how stars, nebulae, galaxies, and quasars have been used to explore the concepts of relativity and cosmology.

ASTRONOMY LAB:  The astronomy lab component of this course (ERTH-102) is not required, however is highly recommended (and may be important for transfer).  The one unit lab is held in the Planetarium and Observatory at the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History (click here for directions).  In lab you will learn by watching and doing.  The planetarium allows us to show celestial motions as they are happening.  The telescopes allow us to look at the sun, moon, planets, and many deep sky objects such as galaxies, planetary nebulas, supernova, and diffuse nebula.  I hope many of you will consider taking advantage of the lab component of this course.  The lab fills quickly.  If you are unable to get into the lab this semester, be sure to register early next semester.  You may take the lab any semester and it will still transfer with this lecture course as a science with a lab.

PIPELINE:  All students are required to make use of SBCC's PIPELINE service for participation in classroom activities and assignments and so that the instructor (and other students in your class) may contact you.  It is required that you check your PIPELINE email account a few times per week.  To access PIPELINE, click the PIPELINE link on the website.  Always try to use your Pipeline account to email me so as to avoid spam filtering problems.  I always check my Pipeline account first.  If you do not receive a response from me within a few days, catch me before or after class or contact me by phone.  If you autoforward your Pipeline email to your personal email account, be sure to check your spam filter and/or adjust your spam filter settings so as not to filter out my all class emails with important announcements and your class grades.

ATTENDANCE:  It is my experience that students who do not attend - do not succeed. This is because the nature of the discipline is such that the lecture presentations, physical demonstrations, and laboratory experience (for those enrolled in ERTH-102) are all vital and integral components of a solid foundation in this discipline. I look forward to seeing all of you in class regularly.  Attendance/participation quizzes will be given daily.  Be sure to bring writing materials to class with you at all times. Bringing your textbook to class is not required, but a good idea if you want to meet with others (or the tutors) to study before or after class. 

DROP POLICY:  Adding and dropping courses is a student responsibility, do not expect the instructor to do it for you.  In general though, students may be dropped after missing 2 classes in a row, or 3 classes total.  If there are extenuating circumstances, be sure to let me know (in advance if at all possible).  Students who do not show for the first few days of class, or who do not continue attending, will be dropped to make room for those on the waiting list trying to add.

MISSING CLASS:  By registering for this class, you have contracted with the school and with the instructor for lecture class hours, lab hours, and 2-3 homework hours out of class for every hour in class. Sign the attendance sheet each time you come to class. If you miss 2-3 classes, you may be dropped without consultation. If you must miss a class, make arrangements with other students to have your work turned in on time and to have notes taken for you. It is your responsibility to check the "daily announcements" on-line.  You should also check with other students to see what material was covered and if any important announcements were made. No due date extensions are given for students who miss class. You do NOT need to call me to let me know that you will miss class.

MISSING TESTS:  There are no make up tests.  Due to large class sizes and multiple sections, logistically, it is difficult to administer makeup tests and it is not fair to other students that some individuals should get additional time to study. You may miss only one test during the semester and remain in the course.  Missing one test will pull your grade down, but not unreasonably.  Try to avoid missing a test if at all possible, but if it happens, know that missing only one test will not keep you from getting a high grade if you work hard and make up for lost points with extra credit.  Click here to see how missing one test will  impact your grade.  It is not necessary to call me if you will be missing a test or have missed a test. 

REVIEWING your TESTS and QUIZZES:  Tests and quizzes will be kept by the instructor.  You are encouraged to come in to review your scores.  You may review tests in the department office EBS 114 (click to view a map).  These materials will be available only during our department secretary's posted times, and only for the week after test results are emailed to you (or until the next test is given, whichever comes first).  Clicker quiz questions are not available for review.  Clicker quizzes are "in class" activities that are designed to encourage you to attend regularly.  You are encouraged to discuss class concepts with tutors and your instructor.

DAILY CLICKER QUIZZES:  These quiz questions may cover material discussed in class, homework, or from assigned reading.  There are absolutely no make-up quizzes!  Quizzes can be given anytime without warning. Quizzes serve to help you with troublesome topics and reward you for your participation in class. Clicker quiz questions may be given at the beginning of class, during class, or at the end of class. Non-clicker quizzes may be collected and redistributed for grading by your classmates. If you would prefer not to have your classmates grade your work, please let the instructor know.

HONOR:  I would like to encourage a healthy educational environment of trust and academic responsibility. I will trust you the student to pursue academic success with honor and integrity. I do not anticipate any problems, however, for the record - any indication of cheating (no matter how minor the infraction) will result in an F in the course with your name being turned in to the administration. This can result in a permanent blemish on your transcript as well as expulsion. Do not let this happen to you. There are no second chances!  If it is apparent that you have copied, or falsely represented your work, or you have made the same errors as the solution manual, solution key, or others in your class, you will be removed from the course. The person being copied from will be considered an accomplice and subject to equal penalty.  If a homework or test problem is in question, you may be asked to solve it for your instructor or explain each and every step of your solution. Conduct yourselves with honor and integrity.  Clicker quizzes are no different than regular quizzes.  Clicking for others, or having others click for you, will be cause for dismissal from class.

GET AHEAD:  If you consistently keep up with the material you will do well. It is easy to get ahead but difficult to catch up should you fall behind!  Material at the end of the course can be challenging. Do not let this catch you by surprise. For those who keep up, the class can be fun and rewarding!

TRY TO BE ON TIME:  Entering and leaving during class can be disruptive to students and staff.  Certainly if you are running late, do join us, but please make a considerate effort to be on time.

TURN CELL PHONES OFF:  Cell phones, Ipods, and other portable electronic devices, are disruptive and distractive to other students.  Turn OFF all such devices during the entire class session.  Cell phone use in class is cause for dismissal.  FIRST OFFENSE you are thrown out of class for the day (or to stay in class, you must place your phone on the instructor's desk for the remainder of the class session).  SECOND OFFENSE you will be removed from the course and given an F (or to stay in the class, you must place your cell phone on the instructor's desk each day you come to class for the remainder of the course).  You may use cell phones before class, during break (for the night class), and after class, but at no other times.  For clarification, using your cell phone for ANY purpose (texting, photos, calendar, notes) is considered a violation.  Sorry to be so strict, but I did not become a teacher to compete with cell phones, to regulate cell phone use, or to judge if each cell phone activity is an allowable activity, etc.  Let's keep it simple.  No cell phones.

NO FOOD OR DRINK IN CLASS (Water Bottles OK):  Health and Safety Code Regulations dictate that there is to be no food or drink in the classroom.   Please no eating during class.  Point penalties may apply as indicated above.

NO LAPTOPS WITHOUT DSPS/INSTRUCTOR AUTHORIZATION:  You may not use a laptop during class.  Laptop screens (and the light they emit during slide presentations) can be very distractive to other students.  Also, it is my experience that many students often work on non-class related projects with their laptops.  Please copy your notes to your laptop outside of class time.


(Click here to view the Syllabus Quiz)